Quick Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Crashes

Quick Tips to Prevent Motorcycle Crashes

If you just got a new motorbike and you are excited to cruise the roads, you should know that safety comes first. As a motorcycle rider, you cannot control what the trucker or the car owner is doing – but – you have full control over what you can do if you get in a situation where you are about to crash or collide with another vehicle.

Here is what you should know about preventing motorcycle crashes:

Avoid Panic Breaking

One of the most common things that motorcyclists do is panic breaking, and it causes more harm than good. Usually, panic braking is caused by a lack of situational awareness. If you are aware of the situation that you are in and you understand what is happening or about to happen, you can definitely avoid panic breaking.

If you are too busy checking your mirrors, you will miss out when a car is too close, and before you know it, you might find yourself getting jerked off your motorcycle and onto the road. If this happens, you should seek medical attention and call a personal injury lawyer who will assess the validity of your case and establish how much compensation you can seek for your injuries.

Pay Attention to the Traffic

All you need to do is pay attention to all the flows of the ongoing traffic and be a hundred percent aware of what is happening. When you are riding your motorcycle, you should ideally be in a yellow stage where you are:

  • Relaxed
  • Prepared
  • Zoned in

If you are in the yellow state, you are everything but not zoned out.

Give Yourself Cushion Space

When you panic break, you are typically too close to another vehicle, which is why you must give yourself a massive space cushion so you have plenty of time and vision to see if anything is happening or about to happen so you can adjust accordingly instead of panic breaking.

Wear a Helmet

Sometimes, you cannot avoid accidents, and motorcycle accidents occur most often at intersections. On that note, an accident might not be your fault at all, but you must wear your protective gear all the time – even with the cushion space.

For maximum visibility, make sure that the helmet is light-colored. Also, make sure that the helmet is approved by the DoT or Department of Transportation because your helmet can protect you nearly 70% from head injuries.

Apart from the helmet, make sure to wear protective gear and bright clothing so that other drivers can see you from far away.

What To Do If You Get into an Accident?

Now, if you do get into an accident, move yourself to a safe location so that you don’t affect the incoming traffic. Assess yourself for injuries, call the police, and call a motorcycle lawyer so that they can send their team to the location and start investigating the incident, along with collecting evidence to ensure fair compensation for injury and property damage. Just calm down your nerves and exchange important information with all involved parties, including other drivers or truckers.

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