How To Double Space In Google Docs?

How To Double Space In Google Docs?

You might have used Google Docs for years but there’s bound to be a lot of things that you do not know about the app. One instance of it is “how to double space in Google Docs”, the thing which you have come here to know about. 

In this article I will be discussing “how to double space in Google Docs” and more. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

Steps To Double Space In Google Docs On PC

Steps To Double Space In Google Docs On PC

Here is a list of steps that you need to follow to create a double space in your Google Docs file, while on your desktop device:

Step 1

First and foremost you are required to open up your Google Docs application. Then you need to select the option labeled “Format” which is going to be located in the top bar. Upon clicking, you will get a drop-down menu of options.

Step 2

Next, from the menu of options you need to click on the option that’s marked as “Line & paragraph spacing”. You then need to click on it. 

Step 3

After completing all of the earlier steps, you need to click on the option that’s marked as “Double”. 

If you want to adjust the spacing even more then there’s an option of adding space either after or before a paragraph. There’s also going to be an option of adding paragraph spacing and customized lines.

Keep reading till the end to find out more information about “how to double space in Google Docs”!

Steps To Double Space In Google Docs On Phone/Tablet 

Steps To Double Space In Google Docs On Phone/Tablet
Image Source:

If you are on an Android, iPhone, or iPad, then the steps are going to be a bit different for you. Here is a list of steps that you need to follow to create a double space in your Google Docs file, while on your phone/tablet:

Step 1

First of all, you need to click on the pencil icon that is located on the bottom right of the Google Docs screen. 

Step 2

Now, select the sections in which you want to change the spacing and click on the option that’s marked as “A” (in the top right corner). 

Step 3

After a menu prompts up, you need to click on the “Paragraph” option. Here you are going to get the option of “Line Spacing”. 

Step 4

Next to the “Line Spacing” option, there’s going to be an up-and-down arrow option. Clicking on it is going to bring up “double” or “2.00”. 

Customized spacing options are not available for these types of devices.

Tip: If you happen to be working on an existing file and then need to change the spacing, then you have to highlight the desired sections first. 

Google Docs Features To Make Writing Easy

Google Docs Features To Make Writing Easy

Here is a list of some lesser-known Google Docs features that you can try out for yourself the next time you use the app:

Clear Formatting

Formatting issues are frustrating – when you paste a text into your Google Doc from another source and it refuses to align with the original font of the rest of the doc that you are writing in. This can happen for a wide variety of other reasons as well! 

Rather than editing text so that it manually fits into the correct form of formatting, you can simply choose to highlight the copied text and click on the “Format” option (located at the top bar) and then on “Clear Formatting”. 

Research Tool

The Research Tool of Google Docs is another godsend feature that just about anyone writing anything in Google Docs will be able to utilize. This tool allows one to research information and images online without even having to leave the Google document that they are working on. This also directly indicates that there’s no further need to click back and forth between different tabs.

To get access to the research tool, first, you are going to have to navigate to the “Tools” option that’s going to be located in the top bar. Then, you can click on the “Research” option.

Adding Footnotes

Footnotes are also super easy to add to your Google Docs, but there are not a lot of people who know about this feature. To add a footnote, you need to put your cursor on the part of the document where you want the Footnote to appear and then click Insert > Footnote. 

Right from there on, you simply are going to have to type in the footnote with whatever that you would like. 

Keyboard Shortcuts

There’s also the fact that there are a lot of hidden gem shortcuts to the Google Docs application – which only makes the process of writing on the app easier for you. Here is a list of some keyboard shortcuts that you can use while in Google Docs:

  • Moving To The Next Heading – First hold down the “CTRL + Alt” button and then press “N” and “H”. 
  • Inserting A Comment – Click on “CTRL + Alt + M
  • Creating A New Document – Shift + T

To Wrap It Up!

To Wrap It Up!

The secure nature of the Google Docs application continues to make it more popular even to this date. The next time that you work on a Google Docs, you can make use of the tricks that I have mentioned in the article above to make the writing process much easier. 

Thank you for reading up till the end of this article. I hope you found the information about “how to double space in Google Docs” to be useful. 

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